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Reliable Vision and Seamless MLOps Automation

Our Services

AI Check Reader

This solution brings you 90%+ information extraction accuracy in under a second. It recognises hundreds of checks layouts and can read printed and handwritten text. Legal and courtesy amounts, MICR detail, beneficiary information and date: all fields of interests you need to automate your processes.


(coming soon). An API provides a comprehensive set of vision functions that allow developers to build a wide array of OCR applications to read invoices, receipts, letters, and passports.

MLOps Automation

This service offers a Click & Train feature to automate model engineering pipeline and Click & Deploy to automate servicing your inference graph at scale. We strive for automation to reduce repetition, and the key to our swift service delivery is successful MLOps adaption. We love to share this success with other AI builders.

Data annotation

Highest-quality image annotation for object detection and localization tasks. Image transcription for OCR deep learning algorithm tasks. No crowdsourcing - only domain and accredited experts.


Custom Vision

Your business has unique goals and challenges. We love sharing our experience in computer vision to fit your enterprise's goals and business constraints.

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